Sunday, August 29, 2010



* DST...


UNTUK KONSULTASI GRATIS HUB : 081382883449 / 081934621686

Sunday, August 22, 2010

ACULIFE - Magnetic Waves Therapist

Aculife magnetic wave therapist is a product resulting from the integration of 5000 – year traditional Chinese Acupuncture medical knowledge and circulate, preventive medical technology. By using extra long magnetic wave stimulate our hand and ear acupoints, Aculife improve our micro-circulation, speed up the metabolism, and enhance circulate capability to prevent various diseases. In addition, Aculife also act as a mild heat massage. It improves our blood circulation and recovery from fatigue.

Major Functions:
1. Detect Acupoints Location, the guidebook assists you locate the right acupoints positions easily.
2. Improving Blood Circulation, magnetic waves stimulate acupoints to improve blood circulation as traditional acupuncture.
3. Magnetism Effects, magnetic waves magnetize body fluids to increase body's circulate system.
4. Health, effectively enhance circulate system.
5. Dual Relieve Methods, the palm acupoints combi and the ear acupionts combi can be applied in conjunction with others or separately.
6. Easy to Operate, suitable for family and safe to use.
7. Light & Portable, take it with you wherever you go. Anytime! Anywhere!

ACULIFE Electro-Acupuncture includes electric and magnetic therapy. Its effects is apparent, and it can easy the side effects caused by taking medicines and inoculation. At present, the therapy is very popular in the field of family Hygienics.

What is the content of electric therapy?
In 1780, Carboni, a Western scientist, discovered the rules about electric current in nerves and flash while he was processing experiment on frogs.
In 1783, a Japanese scientist, Hshimoto Soukichi, performed an experiment on human body by using electricity.
In 1825, a French researcher, Salander, began using galvanic acupuncture to heal the disease of nerves systems.
In 1859, Sakuma Shozan, a Japanese scientist made electric current instrument to heal disease.
In 1950, a Japanese doctor, Nakatani Yoshio, made use of direct current resistor device to measure the amount of electric current under skin from a patient with renal disease. He discovered there were a series of acupuncture points under foot skin, and the amount of electric current had much more amount of electric current than that of other parts. The linking line in these acupuncture points had the same description in an ancient book - the book of Kidney. Afterwards, he proved that other twelve channels and collaterals had similar phenomena. He claimed that acupuncture points easy to conduct electricity were good conducting points, and while these points were linked, they were called good conducting Channel.
We have made use of electric resistor device to probe acupuncture points. When we find that resistor is too strong, it symbolizes that electric current is too weak, and it means deficiency of vital energy, and when the resistor is too weak, it symbolizes electric current is too much, and it means full of energy. In other words, the acupuncture points with abnormal resistor will have a feeling of pains if we massage along these acupuncture points or touch these acupuncture points with electric needles. With the help of probing needles. The ACULIFE Electro-Acupuncture instrument can inspect the condition of human bodies. We hope each user can inspect his own body for five minutes every day, and then utilize ACULIFE Electro-Acupuncture instrument to touch and stimulate acupuncture points for the purpose of adjusting the healthful condition of body.

What is magnetic therapy about?

The exact definition of magnetic therapy is to increase energy of magnetism.

The earth is a big magnet. In the inner side and surroundings of he earth, there is magnetic power line passing through. The place with passing of magnetic power line is magnetic field. The place which our humans live in is a place full of magnetism from the beginning. So when the magnetism of the earth changes, we humans will be influenced.

In the recent one hundred years, the earth's magnetism has been decreasing at the rate of five percentage. Because of the increase of steel concrete buildings, the environment with less magnetism is becoming much more than ever before. The Japanese scholars have utilized instruments to measure magnetism, and they have found that people in modern world have suffered the shortage of magnetic energy in their bodies.

The shortage of magnetism will cause the disease of Autonomic nervous system. At the present time, the healing of magnetism is very popular than ever before. Until today, Japan has been researching the issue for more than forty years, and more than a million of people have been benefited. The healing method is especially effective for the stiffing of shoulders or the pains of back. Today, the products such as Mansoko or waist band with magnetism has been proved that either of them has no side-effects.

ACULIFE Electro-Acupuncture instrument combines the therapeutic principles of electricity and magnetism, and the effects are more apparent.

The followings are the functions about ACULIFE  Electro-Acupuncture Instrument:
1. It can improve blood circulation and enhance the amount of oxygen of erythrocyte and dilate blood vessels and improve metabolism.

2. It can enhance the muscles contraction when the electric current occurs and be good for the patients with hemiplegia, paralysis and pains.

3. It can kill pains, especially for trigeminal neuralgia, pains in junctures and muscles, tooth-ache and dysmenorrhea.

4. It can vitalize the functions of nerves be good for the patients with paralysis, poliomyelitis and disorder of facial nerves.

5. It can adjust the movement of intestines, may be good for constipation or diarrhea.

6. It can enhance the functions of having urines, the stimulating of electric current and it can improve the functions of ureter and constrictor.

7. It can reduce inflammation, and it can increase the amount of leucocyte, and strengthen the ability to exterminate germs, increase the ability of immunity.

8. It can kill heat and lessen the temperature caused by germs or environment.

Retail price : Rp.4.370.000/unit  (or USD 485/unit)
TO BUY (OR TO BECOME DISTRIBUTOR) CALLED 0813 8288 3449 / 0819 3462 1686

Saturday, August 21, 2010


555 wanita /hari MENIGGAL, akibat KANKER LEHER RAHIM (Serviks)

* Kanker berkembang di tempat yang kurang oksigen (Anaerob).

* 50% pembalut yang tidak sehat (pembalut daur ulang), menjadi pemicu Kanker Serviks yang mengandung DIOXIN (Zat Beracun).

8Efek Positif Active Oxygen dan Negative Ion Airiz :
1. Meningkatkan Sekresi Kelenjar Endokrin
2. Meningkatkan Metabolisme
3. Anti Bakteri
4. Mencegah Bau tak Sedap
5. Mencegah Pengumpalan Darah
6. Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Tubuh
7. Mencegah Tekanan Darah
8. Mencegah Keletihan

Bio-Teknologi dengan daya serap 3x dari pembalut biasa !!!

“Airiz” pembalut kesehatan yang mengandung oksigen dan ion negatif, diproduksi dengan mengunakan teknik “double-cores” : dengan menggabungkan oksigen aktif dan ion secara efektif. Kandungan yang terdapat didalamnya tidak hanya mencegah pertumbuhan bakteri berbahaya, tetapi juga melindungi bakteri yang berguna untuk menjaga daya tahan tubuh dan keseimbangan bagian intim wanita serta memungkinkan para wanita untuk menciptakan keadaan lingkungan yang lebih sehat, nyaman dan bersih.

Double Care, Double Comfort

Double Care

Airiz memberikan perlindungan ganda dengan kandungan Active Oxygen dan Negative Ion.
Kedua kandungan ini terbukti sangat efektif untuk mencegah berkembangnya bakteri yang membahayakan dan dalam waktu bersamaan melindungi bakteri yang menguntungkan. Juga mampu menjaga kebersihan organ intim wanita sehingga membantuk mengingkatkan daya tahan tubuh.

Double Comfort

Airiz juga memberikan Anda kenyamanan ganda karena designnya super tipis dan tahan bocor.
Terbukti mampu mengikat cairan dan mencegah kebocoran di kedua sisi, memungkinkan Anda untuk bebas bergerak sepanjang hari tanpa kekhawatiran sedikitpun.
Airiz pilihan tepat untuk para wanita yang ingin memiliki kondisi lingkungan menstruasi yang sehat, nyaman dan bersih sepanjang hari.

Semua obyek di dunia erat kaitannya dengan “Oksigen” dan “Ion Negatif”, seberapa besar pengetahuan anda tentang oksigen dan ion negatif?

Active Oxygen

Oksigen tersusun dari satu molekul oksigen (O2) yang membawa satu atom oksigen (O), ini adalah elemen yang sama dengan oksigen tapi berbeda bentuk. Perbedaan oksigen aktif dan oksigen adalah oksigen aktif mempunyai massa yang lebih besar, berwarna, mudah larut dalam air serta mudah terurai.
Pada saat wanita dalam masa menstruasi, bagian intim wanita dalam kondisi lembab tanpa oksigen dalam jangka waktu lama, sehingga bakteri akan mudah berkembang. Hal ini menyebabkan timbulnya penyakit ginekologis. Formula aktif oksigen dapat meningkatkan daya serap, mempercepat sirkulasi udara dibagian intim dengan udara luar, meningkatkan frekuensi pergantian oksigen, sehingga dapat mencegah timbulnya bakteri karena bakteri berkembang di daerah yang lembab tanpa adanya oksigen. Sedangkan mint yang terkandung dalam formula berperan aktif sebagai penyegar yang berfungsi untuk mengurangi iritasi selama masa menstruasi. Semua formula yang terkandung akan membuat anda merasa lebih segar dan nyaman.

Negative Ion

Ion negatif merupakan ion gas di udara yang membawa electron positif.
Sekarang ini berbagai macam eksperimen dan penelitian telah membuktikan ion negative yang memberikan energi kehidupan telah menghasilkan efek yang luar biasa dalam penerapannya. Efektif meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri, mengatur tekanan, menghilangkan radang/infeksi dan berbagai manfaat lainnya.
Pembalut kesehatan yang mengandung oksigen aktif dan ion negative diproduksi dengan menggunakan teknologi “double-cores”. Oksigen dan ion negatif diproses secara bersamaan sehingga dapat diserap dengan cepat oleh kulit, meningkatkan sirkulasi udara, mengaktifkan sel “cutaneous”, meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan mempercepat metabolism. Oksigen dapat secara efektif meningkatkan daya serap pembalut, mempercepat pergantian udara pada bagian intim dengan udara luar, meningkatkan frekuaensi sirkulasi oksigen sehingga dapat membunuh bakteri berbahaya, meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dan kebersihan bagian intim wanita. Ion negatif juga dapat menghasilkan ion negatif hingga 6100/cm3. Wanita akan merasa lelah, depresi dan sesak ketika level ion negatif berada di bawah level 1000/cm3. Kita akan merasa lebih baik dengan adanya ion negative di udara yang mencapai 1000 – 2000/cm3. Ketika level ion negative mencapai 5000/cm3 daya tahan tubuh manusia akan lebih ditingkatkan dan akan memperlancar peredaran darah, mencegah pembekuan darah, mengurangi bau tidak sedap, mencegah keletihan, meningkatkan metabolism dan meningkatkan kesehatan, kenyamanan serta menciptakan lingkungan fisiologis yang higienis. Oksigen aktif dan ion negative yang diproses melalui system “double-cores” akan memberikan anda kenyamanan ganda.

Keistimewaan pembalut kesehatan Active Oxygen & Negative Ion

Kering, daya serap tinggi dan tidak bocor
Lapisan bawah Airiz terbuat dari bahan yang mudah menyerap sehingga mengurangi tingkat kelembaban. Terasa lebih kering dan nyaman. Lapisan permukaan terbuat dari bahan kapas yang tipis dan lembut sehingga terasa nyaman dan mencegah iritasi kulit. Lapisan permukaan memiliki daya sirkulasi udara sehingga mencegah pembekuan darah menstruasi dan meningkatkan kenyamanan pemakai.
Diproses secara alami untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh
Melalui proses alami, Airiz diproduksi sedemikian rupa sehingga menghasilkan oksigen dan ion negative dalam jumlah yang besar untuk mencegah bakteri dan bau tak sedap, tanpa ada efek samping.
Airiz menggunakan bahan kualitas terbaik di setiap lapisan
Telah melalui uji coba klinis untuk menciptakan pembalut berkualitas : kering, bersih serta daya serap tinggi.
Perlindungan utama Airiz
Pengawasan ketat dalam pemilihan bahan baku produksi.
Manajemen berkualitas, proses produksi yang higienis dan berkelanjutan serta system pengemasan langsung.
Menggunakan lapisan perekat pada kemasan luar untuk mencegah timbulnya bakteri dan jamur.
Pengemasan dengan desain yang menarik

Tersedia 3 jenis :
1. Sanitary Towel (Day Use) 10 pic/box

2. Sanitary Towel (Night Use) 8 pic/box

3.Pantry Liner (Day Use) 30 pic/box

TO BUY /BECOME DISTRIBUTOR) CALLED 0813 8288 3449 / 0819 3462 1686



1. Fruits and vegetables to remove pesticide residues, decomposition products of meat hormones, so rest assured that their families eat healthy food.


Set Time, Prepared To Deal With

After seven minutes, the hormone (viscous material) The beginning of precipitation

After 25 minutes, the hormone (viscous material) has basically been precipitated

Hormone (viscous material) features, see this, did not deal with the meat you can eat it?

When Untreated Meat

2. Bactericidal, fresh fruits and vegetables to extend the time .

Usage: Add the fruits and vegetables in plastic bags, access to ozone, will be lightly tighten until the plastic bag will muster truss, to extend the shelf life for more than 1 times. Note: closed plastic bag better not leak.

3. Tableware, bottle, towels, clothing and disinfection, disinfection.

Usage: the tableware, children water bottle, etc. Add to the container, into the Oxygen 10 to 20 minutes sterilization purification, such as the new clear. Clothing in accordance with the number of Oxygen into the time to determine amount of time, generally 20 minutes or so can, after a soft and comfortable clothing and clean, were treated teeth Oxygen equipment, apparatus that is sterile and environmentally friendly.

4. Human health

Use of ozone water bath, wash, washing can remove bacteria, viruses, fungi, and promote human blood circulation, activate cells and accelerate metabolism, to achieve physical health, the effect of beauty.

5. To clean up the air, removing harmful gases.

Usage: the doors, windows closed, access to power, boot to run about 15 minutes; shutdown, open the doors and windows, air circulation for about 15 minutes. Note: for air purification and disinfection, the people is best not to stay indoors.

Oxygen removal biodegradable decorations, plywood, paint by the release of toxic chemical substances, decomposition of natural gas, gas produced by incomplete combustion of carbon monoxide or smoke oil, remove the indoor variety of offensive smell and the prevention of infectious diseases, and prevent breeding ground for fleas.

6. Purify water

Usage: Add the foam stone has been to deal with the water (limited to 20 kg) about 10 minutes later, can eliminate the residual chlorine in the water, sterilization Drugs, oxidative decomposition of iron, manganese and inorganic substances, enhance the level of dissolved oxygen in the water. To direct consumption, it would take 20 minutes in the stands, the water O3 back to O2, drinking again.

7. Other

Remove refrigerator odor

Usage: use of ozone water cleaning refrigerators, freezers, or access to appropriate internal ozone air disinfection, to remove odor, kill bacteria.

Aquarium sterilization, aerobics, anti-disease.

Usage: the foam is injected directly into the aquarium stone, Oxygen molecules enter the release of a single eco-oxygen in the water can be Qudu sterilization, oxidation of impurities, to prevent the fish did not eat rotten food. About five minutes once a day for prevention and control of fish parasites, failed to materialize disease, erythema, scales legislation, bacteria, etc. very good results .

With the advancement of our society, people's material life has been greatly improved, but accompanied by a variety of hazards but also filled in our daily life, our health.

Our daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, rice, livestock and poultry, aquatic products, etc. are full of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, hormones and other harmful substances, although the short term can not easily be detected, but if things continue this way will become weak and sickly, and even to their offspring, endangering the health of future generations; after the newly renovated homes, formaldehyde and other harmful gases which diffuse; family kitchen utensils, dishes, children bottle, children's toys, underwear, underpants, such as breeding a large number of bacteria ... ...

The face of these hazards, how to have healthy, rest assured that our life has become an urgent topic of concern.

Nature of fungicides

Oxygen, also known as ozone, is a very strong oxidizing substances, the use of its oxidative damage in a relatively short time can be bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms of biological structure, so that the loss of viability, when the ozone dissolved in water there will be more faster sterilization by ozone-treated water, food, utensils and other residues hardly any harmful substances, which is unmatched by other advantages of fungicides.

The protective umbrella of the Healthy Living

Tiens environmentally friendly combination of fruits and vegetables Cleaner Po microbiology, electronics, machinery manufacturing, etc. The principle, the use of advanced technology, components and unique design elements to avoid electromagnetic interference brought about by the phenomenon of death, more stable performance, live have a higher rate of oxygen, an effective solution to family life and business environment prevailing in poor air quality, more than issues such as multiplication of bacteria that can eliminate pesticide residues, meat and seafood in the decomposition of hormones, sterilization Qudu, bleach remove pollution, anti-corrosion Fresh, odor removal, water purification, to promote human health, improve the quality of life, widely used in households, restaurants, hotels and other indoor places of modern family life and the essential office supplies.

【Technological superiority】

Through the certification authority and access to three unique technology patents

A. CE electrical safety certification
B. three patents: design patents, the structural design of patents, design patent protection circuit
C. Detection of the adoption of the authority of the State sector
Carefully to be assured of life care

Retail price : Rp.1,200,000/unit

TO BUY (OR TO BECOME DISTRIBUTOR) CALLED 0813 8288 3449 / 0819 3462 1686

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Rahasia Umur Panjang Aura Energy Pendant dihasilkan dari gabungan lebih dari 30 macam bahan-bahan 100% alami dan mineral. Diproses dengan pemanasan suhu 1,600 °C dengan menggunakan Teknologi tinggi di negeri Korea. Struktur-struktur internalnya yang unik mampu mengumpulkan, memfokuskan dan mengeluarkan energi untuk menyeimbangkan kembali kondisi fisik, mental, emosional dan spiritual kita. Aura Energy Pendant dalam liontin tersebut tetap terus tersimpan, namun uniknya bisa ditransformasikan ke dalam tubuh. Selama proses transformasi tersebut, sebagian energy akan diubah menjadi panas supaya bisa menjaga kondisi seimbang. Panas resultant yang dihasilkan kemudian di sebar dan pancarkan melalui proses semisal emisi atau radiasi, dan yang sebagiannya diubah menjadi energy. Aura Energy Pendant tersebut mampu menyerap energy panas dan secara langsung mentransformasi panas tersebut ke dalam bio-energy gelombang panjang berukuran 4-16 mikron yang mampu mempengaruhi seluruh aktifitas melekular dari molekul-molekul air dalam tubuh manusia. Karenanya, sangat bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan sistem peredaran darah, menjaga fungsi metabolisme tubuh, dan dengan demikian membantu mencapai kesehatan secara lebih baik. Pengaruh Aura Energy Pendant Pada saat temperatur tubuh manusia berubah, sel darah juga berubah dan gelombang otak juga berubah setelah memakai Aura Energy Pendant dalam waktu 1 (satu) jam.. Panas yang dihasilkan dari tubuh manusia ditunjukkan oleh adanya aliran darah di bawah kulit. Ketika jumlah alirah darah meningkat, temperaturnya naik. Begitu juga saat aliran darah menurun, temperatur tubuh juga akan turun. Kita tahu bahwa sirkulasi darah (aliran darah) dalam tubuh manusia bisa kita lihat melalui mikroskop. Ion-Ion Negative telah diteliti mampu secara efektif meningkatkan aktifitas gelombang alfa, meningkatkan energi tubuh dan, mengoptimalkan kondisi tubuh, dan memperbaiki kemampuan konsentrasi.

- Mengurangi peradangan dan rasa sakit
- Membantu memperlancar peredaran darah
- Meningkatkan Energi & Vitalitas
- Menambah kekuatan fisik , keseimbangan & fleksibilitas
- Mengurangi penggumpalan sel darah merah
- Mengurangi ketegangan sistem syaraf
- Membasmi bakteri dan menghilangkan bau tidak sedap
- Menetralisir radikal bebas
- Meningkatkan sistem metabolisme
- Memperbaiki fokus dan kemampuan konsentrasi
- Membantu memperkuat daya tahan tubuh dari penyakit
- Membantu melindungi DNA dari kerusakan
- Meningkatkan penyerapan nutrisi
- Menunda proses penuaan
- Memperbaharui jaringan sel yang mati
- Meningkatkan kandungan oksigen dalam darah dan detoksifikasi
- Melindungi diri dari gelombang elektromagnetik EMF yang merugikan tubuh,
yang dihasilkan oleh handphone, TV & komputer

Aura Energy Pendant ini akan membantu :
Sistem metabolisme tubuh
Sistem peredaran darah mencegah stroke , jantung
Sistem hormonal
Sistem saraf, otot, dan tulang
Sistem pertumbuhan pada anak
Sistem reproduksi / seksual


Harga RETAIL Rp.920,000/unit BUY 1 GET 2 (BELI 1 DAPAT 2)

(Bonus Rubber Guard / pelindung karet)

HUB : 0813 8288 3449 / 0819 3462 1686

Dengan menggunakan Kalung Aura Energy Pendant secara reguler bisa membantu proses penyembuhan berbagai macam penyakit seperti :
asam urat , rheumatik , kolestrol , migren , hipertensi , prostat , sakit persendian , kesemutan , diabetes , gejala stroke dan pasca stroke , jantung , sakit punggung , gangguan haid , tekanan darah rendah , katarak , mudah lelah.